Monday, May 18, 2009

Is Itanium:really still around?

Now I know that Itanium processing is still around, somewhere out there, because windows still releases update for it and I have to tell my WSUS not to download them. It's interesting because this technology has been around so long and I've yet to see it put to practical use. The Register has a funny article about this.

Itanium: 'A special cause for optimism' • Channel Register: "Itanium: 'A special cause for optimism'

Stop laughing - there was growth in 2008

By Timothy Prickett Morgan • Get more from this author

Posted in Enterprise, 5th May 2009 16:00 GMT

Free whitepaper – Data center projects: standardized process

With the quad-core 'Tukwila' Itanium processors coming out sometime around the middle of this year, the Itanium Solutions Alliance, the consortium of hardware and software vendors that peddle Itanium-based products, has dusted off the Itanium drum and begun banging on it."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Backup Your Data. No, REALLY

Slashdot | Hacker Destroys Along With Its Backups: "Hacker Destroys Along With Its Backups
Posted by timothy on Friday May 15, @12:17AM
from the giving-you-the-benefit-of-their-bad-childhoods dept.
Security Data Storage Technology
el americano writes 'Flight Simulator community website Avsim has experienced a total data loss after both of their online servers were hacked. The site's founder, Tom Allensworth, explained why 13 years of community developed terrains, skins, and mods will not be restored from backups: 'Some have asked whether or not we had back ups. Yes, we dutifully backed up our servers every day. Unfortunately, we backed up the servers between our two servers. The hacker took out both servers, destroying our ability to use one or the other back up to remedy the situation.''"

As one anonymous reader posted on /. OFF. SITE. BACKUP. Rule number one. You only loose your server once and then you learn. Always have a full up to date backup of your server off site just in case.

/me runs to make sure his backup drive isn't full.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

enough already

you know who you are,

i understand how blogging about someone can be cathartic go on and do that all you want - i'm happy you are happy and blah de blah

no more notes on my doorstep no more whatever.

thank you

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mix tape so far

So i'm making a new mix tape, here is what i have so far

Menomena - Wet And Rusting (Loaf: A Deli Tea Version)
The antlers - shiva
Keller Williams - Breathe
connor oberst and the mystic valley band - ten women
the apples in stereo - king of cauliflower
wilco - how to fight lonlyness

and that is all for today

Sunday, August 31, 2008

i heart Birdmonster

This band has been out for some time, but this song and vid are amaizing. you can watch it below. it was done by, he took a bunch (about 1800) digital photos and meshed them together to make stop motion movies. quite fun

i love this band, check it out

Monday, August 25, 2008

hipster backlash backlash is the new hipster backlash

So about the new of Montreal album Skeletal Lamping out on the indie lable Polyvinyl...

Let it never be said that Kevin Barnes left music, but that the music left him.